Site Testing – Homepage Image Swap

Overall the new images we tested created slightly lower revenue. On a category level, however, we have seen that the Kids section had a 12% lift and the Koozies section had a 36% lift in the number of people looking at the respected pages. There was a decrease in the shirt and hat visits which items have the biggest impact on the clients overall revenue.  The conclusion of this test is that we will take the best elements of each version. This shows us that the most important images are your hat and shirt images in regards to increasing revenue.  We plan on running a follow-up test with the best combination, against a few variations where we only test the hat and shirt images.  Our goal is to see if we can get the same increase in lift as the kids and koozies sections for the hat and shirts sections which would have a huge impact on the client’s revenue


Site Testing – Mobile Hover Effect Removal

By removing the mobile hover effect  8% of people are more likely to complete purchases; a difference of $2,000 in sales revenue. (This could be slightly skewed because we feel there was a large order)  As for desktop users, we found that removing the hover effect actually decreased the number of sales by 5%. In conclusion, we recommend removing the hover effect on mobile devices and leaving it for desktop users.


Site Testing – Add to Cart Placement

This test is trying to increase the mobile conversion rate by seeing if the add to cart button is placed above the product image so users don’t have to scroll down to add the item to cart. Conversions will increase. Colors and sizes will also be tested. Overall the color and placement did not make any drastic changes, but the slight changes it made were negative.


Site Testing – Homepage Banner Size

Almost all of the variations converted better than the original including completely removing the banner, but the 300px banner is the winner. The 300px banner is converting 20% more visitors than the control. This change in conversion is increasing total revenue by 10% compared to the control  You can see the report


Site Testing – Sticky Discount Bar

After testing the bar in different colors we found that the bar is not affecting users to buy more.  In fact, removing the bar generated 5% more revenue than having the bar.  Before we suggest completely removing the bar it is suggested to test a different offer and see if that causes more action.